Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Melbourne Cup Day

Australians love their horse races. In fact, horse racing is apparently the fourth largest industry in Australia. Tuesday, November 6 was the day of the Melbourne Cup - the race that is known as the "race that stops the nation." In several states, including the ACT, it is now a public holiday. But there was no holiday at Staff College. Well, there was a bit of a holiday.... After a morning of lectures, classes broke and families joined the students at the Mess for a buffet lunch and an afternoon of race festivities. If you caught our earlier blog about the Braidwood Races (January), you'll realize that a day at the races (from my perspective) is all about the clothes and hats, and this day was no exception. Everyone was gussied up in their best frocks and suits, and many of us donned some stunning hats. Here is a bit of the view.....

This is William with Myra Keating and her five month old Patrick. Patrick's dad is Gavin Keating who is an Officer in the Australian Army. Myra's hat was definitely the most child friendly!

Ian and William...aren't I a lucky girl?!

This is Ian and his classmate Donna Manton. Donna's husband Tim just got back from a very long deployment in Afghanistan. Donna has amazingly kept her head above water through Staff College, with three busy children while he was away. Wow!

A handsome couple!

This is me with Julie Hawker, one of the Brit girls. You've met Julie on this blog before during our Cairns vacation. Ian, William and I have really enjoyed her family - Julie, Alan, Calum and Abigail - throughout the year.

This is me with Lesley Sealy-Thompson. Lesley is a dentist in the British Army. She is on leave while her husband Nick (also British Army) attends Staff College. Lesley and Nick were stationed in Alberta prior to coming to Staff College - they love Canada!

From Right to left, Lauren, Donna, me and Deb, Australian Air Force nurse. Great hats!

A family photo....if you look closely there is a fly on Ian's nose. Very Australian!

Oh yeah, there was a horse race at some point that afternoon. Some horse called "Efficient" won. He is a New Zealand horse......

Again, great hats!

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