Monday, July 30, 2007

Week Two - last day in Cairns

One of the first things that William noticed while we drove from the Cairns airport to Trinity Beach was the go-carting place. Finally, at the end of the week, we took him to "have a go". Here are William and Ian after their first ride on Thursday evening.

On our last day of vacation, we stayed in Cairns. Unfortunately we didn't know that it was a public holiday ("Show Day" when everyone goes to the local exhibition/fair) so many things in town were closed. Oh well, that meant more time at the playground and esplanade, and another trip back to the go-carts....The Esplanade has a beautiful man made lagoon that you can swim or play in. Here are a few views.....

On our second trip to the go-carts, Alan and Calum joined in on the fun.

Ian and William......

Here, Alan and Calum are sneaking up on Ian and William......
Here is a shot of one of many many cane fields. The cane/sugar industry is huge in Australia. We were there during one of their harvesting seasons.......stinky!

The evening of our last day, The Lalande/Biosvert, Wylie/Hawker and Anderson families all got together for supper.

Here are the younger kids - William, Calum and Abigail.....

And here are the bigger kids - Dominique and Maryline Lalande.....

Here are Julie Hawker and Ian hamming it up for the camera...

Early the next day we headed back to Canberra.....sigh!......

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