Saturday, October 13, 2007

Grandma's Visit - Nature Reserve

We didn't give Grandma much time to get used to the time change. The day after she arrived, we took her to the Old Bus Depot Markets in Canberra where we saw many beautiful hand made things - art, food, crafts, jewellery, wood workings, etc. We drove her around the city including up Mount Ainslie where she could get a 360 degree view of the city (pictures of this view are included in the blog pages of John Davies' visit in Feb/March).

Monday, October 1 was Labour Day here in Australia, so we decided to avoid the coast - where everyone goes on statutory holidays. Instead we headed to the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, which is a beautiful 25 minute drive from Canberra. We went on a "koala walk" but had no luck, but there were (and always are) plenty of kangaroos hanging around!

Here is William showing off his "Nimbus 2000" (He had watched the first Harry Potter movie in the evenings prior to our visit to Tidbinbilla!)

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